UX Researcher who tries to combine
motion and development

What can I do?

Research & Analysis

Analyze the data and information collected through the interviews and secondary researches


Create the hifi prototype with the flowchart analyzed

Motion & Code

Apply the motion and coding knowledge to the design

Website, UI/UX Design & Service Design

SCAD Course Selection Redesign

As a UI/UX designer, I worked with a UI designer to complete this project to improve the students’ experience when they tried to finish their degrees. I hope it helpful for them to find jobs in the future.

Mobile App, UI/UX Design


Together with four companions, I made an app for the rapid treatment of emergency wounds in the field. At the same time, users can also quickly call for help through it.

I also love
Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content refers to the use of AI to automate the information creation process while fulfilling the personalized requirements of users.

Lightning::Liquid Metal

Prompt:lightning decoration::, lightning, fantasy background, liquid metal material::2, high details, 8k, soft::2, black gold style::, cinematic lighting, best quality, insane details, in focus --no other items --s 200 --ar 16:9 --q 2

As a natural and urban landscape photography enthusiast!